Sunday, November 28, 2010

purse for SALE!!




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Evani sliper.cun!!

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Thursday, November 25, 2010

saya sayang awak sangat2!!awak dengar x??

kalau lah awak tahu dan mengerti...

saya sayang awak..tapi betul ke saya sayang awak??awak sayang saya ke??kalau sayang, nape awak pegang tangan saya??awak nak tengok rambut saya,nak hug saya,nak saya pakai seksi2..memang la awak xkasi boy lain tengok saya pakai awak xhalal lagi utk saya kan??saya sayang awak ke kalau saya kasi semua tu kat awak??

saya sayang awak..betul..xtipu..tapi sayang ke kalau bila dengan awak, saya lalai??saya lupa kat Dia yang dah cipta saya, yang kasi saya perasaan cinta kat awak..saya lupa solat, saya lupa dosa..saya lupa Tuhan..takut la...

betul awak..saya sayang awak..tapi saya takut..takut sangat nak sayang awak..awak baik, selalu solat awal..tapi nape bila dengan saya awak lupa solat??masa kuar, kita lalu je depan masjid..xpernah kt tempat xde orang, kita stop.beratus duit awak habis untuk saya kn??saya hargai sgt..saya tau awk syg nape awak xsimpan duit tu dulu..kot2 ada jodoh, boleh kita kawen..awak...saya takut..takut sangat..takut bila ingat pe yang kita dah buat..saya nak awak jadi halal utk xboleh la sekarang..mcm mana awk nk tanggung saya..kita blaja lg..saya nak hidup dgn awak..saya nak awak jd imam saya..nak sgt share everything dgn awak..saya nak jadi kekasih halal awak..tapi betul ke cara kita wak??saya takut laaaa...

awak..saya nak hidup dgn awak forever kat heaven..tapi layak ke kita gi heaven kalau kita camni??macam mana kalau tiba2 Dia panggil kita pergi..xkisah la saya dulu, awak dlu atau dua2 skali..boleh ke kita gi heaven kalau Dia panggil kita skarang??kalau la Dia tanya apa yg saya dah buat dgn awk, pe saya nk jawab nanti..saya maluuuuuuuuuuu sgt kat Dia..

awak..lama saya fikir..saya fikir pasal kita..betul saya sayang awak..tapi, sampai bila kita nak camni??awak..saya dah fikir lama...lepas ni, kalau saya xmsj awk,xnk jumpa awk, xnak call awk, xnk vc, mms or wc,awak jgn salah faham tau..saya buat camtu sbb saya syg awk sgt2..awak..saya nak forever kat syurga dgn awak..dulu saya sedih sbb kita jauh..tapi skarang, saya bersyukur sangat..Tuhan sayang kita..kalau dekat, awak boleh agak kn pe kita buat nnti??

saya xtau camne nk gtau awk..saya nak jaga hati awak sedar x sebenarnya saya dah kotorkan hati awak..saya suka goda awak dgn manja saya, dengan body saya..saya suka buat awak cair dgn saya..jahatnya saya..awak saya banyak dosa..awak nk ke terima org mcm saya jd wife awak??awak..saya nak bersihkan diri saya sebelum jadi yang halal buat awak..saya nak jadi the best wife..baru la awak xpandang orang lain dah..saya xnk susahkan awak dgn saya yg mcm ni..awak..saya nak jadi bidadari awak..bukan kat dunia kat heaven gak..saya nak jadi bidadari awak yg forever..

awak..saya tahu saya xbaik....banyak sangt kurang n xlayak nak tegur salah awak..tapi saya sayang kita buat, bukan ada org tahu pn...sape lagi nak tegur awak kalau bukan saya??saya pn nak awak jadi suami yg boleh pimpin saya ke syurga..xnak ke??xkn la awak sayang saya utk hepi2 kat dunia ni je..awak xnk ke pilih saya jadi bidadari awak kt syurga nanti??awak..tolong la...saya xnk dah jumpa mungkin saya lalai gak nanati..syaitan selalu ada dgn saya..suka je dia kalau saya keluar dgn awk, goda awak..awak..tolong la ingat kan saya gak bila saya lupa.tolong ek..saya lemah sangat..saya nak jadi kuat..kuat utk awak..untuk hidup dgn awak.

saya sayang awak..camne kalau tiba2 Dia panggil kita b4 kita sempat bertaubat..takutnye saya..awak xtakut ke??camne kita nak gi syurga??camne saya nak jadi bidadari awak??saya nak sangat cinta ni kerana dgn apa kita dah buat, layak ke kita letak nama Dia dlm cinta kita??malu sangat kat Dia..awak..saya nak berubah..utk diri saya gak, utk parents, kalau saya berubah, awak still terima saya lagi kan??saya nak berubah pn sbb nak jadi the best utk awak..utk babies kita nanti..nak jadi mom yg the best..huhu. tinggi betul cita2 saya..saya pn nak kita jadi pasangan yg educated..nak sama2 educated yg taat padaNya la..mesti bahagia kan..kita ingat Dia, Dia pun ingat kita,,so, boleh la Dia jaga kita nanti..

awak, kalau la saya pergi dulu,saya nak tunggu awak kt syurga tau..awak doakan la saya bia boleh masok syurga..saya nak jadi bidadari yg tunggu awak..n there, i'll be yours forever...tapi, kalau awak pergi dulu??ye..saya saya pun akan doakan awak..insyaAllah..nanti awak tunggu la saya kt syurga k??mesti ramai bidadari tunggu awak kat sana..tapi, simpan la 1 tempat untuk saya k??saya nak jadi bidadari awak..

awak..maaf kan saya kalau ape yg saya buat n gtau ni mengguris hati awak..saya buat camni sbb saya sayang awak..saya xtau camne nak gtau awak..sebab tu saya taip kt sini..maaf sebab saya post kat sini..bukan nak bukak kburukan least mereka yang baca ni boleh jadikan kisah ni sbgai panduan..ramai kt luar sana kapel n buat macam2..saya takot nak post kat awak..tapi saya harap awak tergerak hati nak baca ni k..awak..dah nak subuh la..kejap lagi mesti Dia panggil saya..ingat tau..SAYA SAYANG AWAK ETERNALLY N INFINITY.. n saya tunggu awak jemput saya sebagai yg halal utk awak nanti k..<3<3<3

Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Passes Time

Nurul Hidayah Hussein.It is the name given by my parents.
I'm born on 10 sept 91 at Muadzam Shah, Pahang.
I have 8 family members including my parents.I have 6 siblings and I am the fifth daughter.
There are 4 boys and 2 girls including me.I love them very much and grateful to have them in part of my life.
I'm started to learn ABC and 123 at Tabika Kemas Slendang 1, Pahang.Then I continue to primary school at SK Selendang 1, Pahang.After I get my UPSR result,I got offer to continue my secondary school at SMK Seri Rompin and that is my first experience stayed at the hostel.It is very interesting!After PMR, I've changed my school at SM Teknik Johor Bahru and get the good result in SPM.Then I get offer to further my study at CFS IIUM at PJ campus.

ipod Touch

iPod touch lets you enjoy everything you love about an iPod, and many things. Watch your movies and TV shows on a brilliant 3.5-inch display. Use the revolutionary Multi-Touch interface to flick through your music in Cover Flow. And anytime you can get more entertainment, just tap iTunes to browse and buy on the fly.

Music: With room for up to 14,000 songs and up to 30 hours of audio playback time, iPod touch gives you nonstop musical entertainment.* And the new Genius Mixes and Voice Control features add even more ways for you to experience your music

Genius Mixes Now the Genius feature is even more powerful. Introducing Genius Mixes. All you do is sync iPod touch to iTunes, and Genius automatically searches your library and finds songs that sound great together. Then it creates multiple mixes you’ll love. These mixes are like channels programmed entirely with your music

Genius Playlists when you’re listening to a song on your iPod touch that you really2 like and want to hear other tracks that go great with it. Just tap the Genius icon. Genius will automatically finds songs on your iPod touch that go great with your selected song and makes a Genius playlist for you.It is easy.

Voice Control

Apple Earphones with Remote and Mic The new 32GB and 64GB iPod touch models come with the Apple Earphones with Remote and Mic, which are perfect for using the Voice Memos app and Voice Control.

Movies + TV Shows Your very own private screening awaits you on iPod touch. Watch the latest film release or an episode of your favorite sitcom anytime you want. Store up to 80 hours of video and get up to 6 hours of video playback time on the new iPod touch.*have fun!


Part of what makes iPod touch so amazing is that iTunes is literally at your fingertips. A Wi-Fi connection and a quick tap are all it takes to get instant access to millions of songs and thousands of movies and TV shows. Not to mention applications, audiobooks, and free podcasts and iTunes U lectures. Preview and buy that album you’ve been wanting. Rent that film everyone raved about, or make it part of your collection. iTunes on iPod touch is your doorway to endless entertainment possibilities

Friday, August 6, 2010

Sony Walkman S540 16GB MP3 Player - Black

What It Is and Why You Need It:
  • This Sony Walkman comes with built-in stereo speakers deliver rich sound when you want to listen without headphones
  • Plus clear Stereo and Clear Bass Audio Technologies for clearer, deeper sound with minimal distortion

SonyWalkman S540 16GB MP3 Player
Exercise your options with the slim and stylish 16GB S Series Walkman video MP3 player. Featuring built-in stereo speakers, you can unplug your headphones and listen to your music with loudspeaker. In addition to superior sound quality, this Sony Walkman S540 16GB MP3 Player lets you enjoy to up to 42 hours of music playback or up to 6.5 hours of video playback before needing to recharge. Plus, you can even record lectures, meetings and radio broadcasts via the voice and FM recording function on your Sony Walkman S540 16GB MP3 Player. Headphones, mini USB cable and hands-free, flip-out stand included.

It have manyn Features:

Built-in stereo speakers deliver rich sound when you want to listen without headphones.

A long-lasting battery lets you listen to music for up to 42 hours1 or watch video for up to 6.5 hours5 before you need to recharge.

FM Tuner
Built-in FM radio tuner is perfect for listening to your favorite talk, sports and music stations.

A 2.4" QVGA incredibly bright, color LCD provides you with a rich viewing experience.

Clear Stereo and Clear Bass Audio Technologies for clearer, deeper sound with minimal distortion.

Multiple high-quality video formats are supported2, giving you more freedom to download the videos you want.

Voice and FM recording function lets you capture lectures, business meetings, and radio broadcasts.

Ease of Use
Easy drag-and-drop device management and easy-to-use GUI make creating and navigating through your digital library simple.Make your simple.

Built-in alarm clock with sleep timer.Then,you can wakeup early in the morning.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Bluetooth wireless headphones

Bluetooth wireless headphones


Product ID: YA-BH270B/UPC

The Samsung BH270B will pair with Bluetooth 2.0-enabled devices to free you from cumbersome wires. By pairing with portable audio and video players, the BH270B brings convenient, high-quality wireless stereo audio. The compatible Bluetooth 2.0 cell phones can pair to receive calls. Callers are heard through the headphones and an integrated voice microphone makes speaking convenient. Up to two Bluetooth devices can connect to the BH270B at a time so you can easily switch between enjoying their music and taking a phone features:

Bluetooth 2.0 enabled wireless headphone:

· compatible with Bluetooth 2.0 cellphones

· hands free with paired cell phones

· built-in microphone

· music playback: up to 6.5 hours

· standby mode: up to 150 hours

· volume, play/pause and track advanced/rewind control onboard

· Bluetooth wireless headset with a range of up to 33 feet

· Lightweight and comfortable design uses swivel earclips instead of a traditional headband

· Works with most Bluetooth audio devices, including cell phones

· Receive phone calls without taking your phone out of your pocket or bag